
Privacy Policy

By accessing this site and any pages thereof, you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions below.
If you do not agree to the terms and conditions below, do not access this site or any pages thereof.
Certain sections or pages on this site may contain separate terms and conditions, which are in addition to these terms and conditions. In the event of a conflict, the additional terms and conditions will govern for those sections or pages.

Copyright ©

Copyright © Jordan Kuwait Bank All Rights Reserved
Copyright in the pages and in the screens displaying the pages, and in the information and material therein and their arrangement, are the property of Jordan Kuwait Bank.
All information submitted to Jordan Kuwait Bank via this site shall be deemed and remain the property of Jordan Kuwait Bank and Jordan Kuwait Bank shall be free to use, for any purpose, any ideas, concepts, know how or techniques contained in information a visitor to this site provides.  Jordan Kuwait Bank shall not be subject to any obligations of confidentiality regarding submitted information except as agreed by Jordan Kuwait Bank entity having the direct customer relationship or as otherwise specifically agreed or required by law.

Use of Information and Materials
The information and materials contained in this site – and the terms, conditions and descriptions that appear – are subject to change without notice.
Nothing in this site shall be constructed as an offer to engage in any transaction, nor does it constitute an investment, legal, tax, or other advice, not is to be relied upon in making an investment 
decisions. You should obtain relevant and specific professional advice before making any investment decision. Your eligibility for particular products or services is subject to final determination and acceptance of Jordan Kuwait Bank.
The application collects device model, OS version, Localized device model in order to analyze and trace any issues and crashes.

No Warranty
The information and materials contained in this site, including text, graphics, links or other items are provide “as is”, “as available”, Jordan Kuwait Bank does not warrant the accuracy, adequacy or completeness disclaims liability for errors or omissions in this information and materials. No warranty of any kind; implied, expressed or statutory, including but not limited to the warranties or non infringement of third party rights, title, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and freedom from computer virus, is given in conjunction with the information and materials.

Limitation of Liability
In no event will Jordan Kuwait Bank be liable for any damages, including without limitation to direct or indirect special, incidental, or consequential damages, losses or expenses arising in connection with this site or use thereof or inability to use by any party, or in connection with any failure or performance, error, omission, interruption, defect, delay in operation or transmission, computer virus or line or system failure, even if Jordan Kuwait Bank , or representatives thereof, are advised of the possibility of such damages, losses or expenses. This site may contain links to third party websites. Jordan Kuwait Bank hereby disclaims liability for any information, materials, products or services posted or offered at any of the third party sites linked to this website.
The content, accuracy, opinions expressed and other links provided by these resources are not investigated, verified, monitored, or endorsed by Jordan Kuwait Bank.

Governing Law

Use of this site shall be governed by all applicable laws of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan including the law of electronic transaction No. (85) of (2001). 

Face Data policy:
Face Data (Selfie) to confirm ID and Liveness videos and photos through truedepth API which are also part of our regulatory requirements during onboarding/registration: - As part of the onboarding process, we are taking a picture of the user's face based on some gestures requested such as "Wink with your left/right eye" or "Smile". - This picture is requested as part of the registration process where the user is usually asked to scan his legal documents. Once the user takes a picture of his face, we are comparing this picture to the one found in the scanned legal documents to verify that this is the same user. - This data is neither stored nor shared with any third parties.