
Sponsored by Jordan Kuwait Bank Jordan’s Bodybuilding Champions take part in the upcoming Arnold Classic Europe 2015

Sep 13, 2015
In an effort to support Jordanian athletes in all sports fields, Jordan Kuwait Bank provided sponsorship for a team of Jordan’s most prominent bodybuilders to represent Jordan in the Arnold Classic Europe 2015.The Jordanian team, comprised of Ahmad Fayyoumi, Ehab Qwaider, and Ahmad Al Saafin,  participated in the competition, hosted in Madrid-Spain.On this occasion, H. E. Mr. Abdel Karim A. Kabariti, Chairman of Jordan Kuwait Bank's Board of Directors stated:” We are proud to have three professional bodybuilders representing Jordan in one of the most popular and important international championships. This sponsorship comes in line with JKB’s social responsibility initiatives to encourage and support the cultural, artistic and sport scene in Jordan and the region”.