
Jordan Kuwait Bank supports Captain Ali Sawalma

Jan 22, 2017
Within JKB’s initiatives to support the local community, especially persons with disabilities, Jordan Kuwait Bank continued to support Captain Ali Sawalma from West Irbid Charitable Society for Special Needs to participate in the Red Sea marathon which took place in Aqaba on Friday December 9, 2016. Captain Salama came in first place and in record time for the 21km distance.   Captain Ali Sawalma also participated in the Dubai Marathon on January 20, 2017 in which he came in fifth place overall, second place in his division and first place amongst his Arab peers with record time of 2:26:08 hours.Additionally and in line with the Bank’s CSR activities, and the importance of supporting persons with disabilities in the sports arena, the Bank purchased a new wheel chair for Captain Ali Sawalma to ensure that he continues participating in local and international races.