
Jordan Kuwait Bank Gold Sponsor for the Annual Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign

Oct 17, 2016
Jordan Kuwait Bank was a Gold Sponsor for the 9th nation-wide breast cancer awareness campaign aimed at educating and raising awareness for the public at large and females in specific on breast cancer and the importance of early detection, and that is organized annually by the Jordan Breast Cancer Program (JBCP) during the month of October under the patronage of HRH Princess Ghida Talal, Chairperson of the Board of Trustees at the King Hussein Cancer Foundation. The campaign is considered among the most important health campaigns at both the national and regional levels, reaching the various segments of the Jordanian society in all governorates. The program runs the awareness campaign in the Kingdom during the month of October, and includes educational lectures, free checkups and mammograms at reduced cost at hospitals and health centers, as well as exhibitions in malls in most regions of the Kingdom, in addition to intensive advertising on social media, television, radio and print.As part of its support to the cause, the Bank held an awareness session for its female employees to educate them on the importance of early detection of breast cancer, confirming the Bank's interest in health awareness for its employees, and encouraging them to perform periodic tests, given that the effectiveness of treatment and cure rate increases in the event early detection and treatment.